Awesome Korean Black Beauty, plays as hard as she looks.
My Japanese wife loves the shape and wants to play it! more pics
EPIPHONE BLACK BEAUTY- Perfect for Japanese girls !;-)

# 1
I've never seen an Epi with the 3 Humbucker configuration.
[FONT=Book Antiqua][FONT=Arial][FONT=Tahoma]Neal
GT Channel Host[/FONT][/FONT][/FONT]
GT Channel Host[/FONT][/FONT][/FONT]
# 2

C'mon, Neal... only 4 or 5 years ago Epiphone made the Les Paul Black Beauty (a three humbucker version of the Epi LP Custom) and their equivalent to the Gibson Black Beauty. They also made (around the same time) the Epiphone SG Custom which was a three humbucker SG available in a Vintage (creamy) white finish. I have some old Musicians Friend and Sweetwater catalogs -none are older than 2008- and these two guitars were in them regularly. While I haven't seen them in the catalogs for 3 years or so now I'd be happy to send you a catalog with them in it. I"m not sure but I think Epiphone may still be building the Les Paul Black Beauty, but I'm sure that they no longer offer the SG Custom 3-bucker. Have fun everyone-Jim
# 3

This is all a web search brought up<yp=AllFixedPriceItemTypes&var=sbar
Epiphone makes a copy<yp=AllFixedPriceItemTypes&var=sbar
Epiphone makes a copy
# 4

I have a "July 2010" Musician's Friend Catalog that has both -the Epiphone Black Beauty 3-3humbucker pickups-which your Sweetwater link proved to "exist" and also has the Epiphone G400 Custom which is a 3 humbucker SG. If Neal wants to provide a "physical" address, I would be more than happy to send him that catalog. Not trying to start an argument here-just proving an issue to be true. Thanx-Jim
# 5

Save the postage 2Gross, Hopefully this link works.
July 2010 Musician's friend Catolog
If this link gets you there, look at page 16 item C
Did you see the price on the one on ebay.. $54,000
July 2010 Musician's friend Catolog
If this link gets you there, look at page 16 item C
Did you see the price on the one on ebay.. $54,000
# 6

Did not find the Gibson Black Beauty HHH, but the Epiphone copy was here.
Anyone want to take a look..
Anyone want to take a look..
# 7

# 8
Originally Posted by: Elliott JeffriesWhy is everyone getting hung up on the specs when the bottom line is that girls love it?
Right to the point :D
The accidental guitarist.
# 9
Triple humbuckers ftw, but the SG is more gorgeous. Curvy devil horns - very sexy!
Am I the only one who plays multiple instruments? Let's be inspirational and find our muses everyday!
# 10