View post (To be taught...or not to be taught)

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Joined: 01/02/02
Posts: 82
Joined: 01/02/02
Posts: 82
04/24/2002 7:33 pm
I have taken lessons from the day I picked up a guitar for the first time and I think they have given me most of the things I now know and I think it's quite a lot, perhaps.. :)

I was actually very surprised when I heard that many guitarists like some of you have not taken lessons, because I thought that eventually everyone must have taken lessons somewhere..

The third thing, I am still amazed every time I at someone's homesite the words "I have learnt everything my teacher knows, and I have only played for X (usually 3-4) years, what kind of teachers do you have???
I have taken lessons from three different teachers, for a quite a long time and I still can't say that I have learnt all the things my teachers can do because they are so highly trained, an example:
My new teacher can play Petrucci, Vai, Di Meola, Flamenco, standard Jazz, and classical music. And actually all of my teachers have played all of these, so I wonder, how can someone learn everything his/her teacher know in so short time, are the teachers not so good in some countries, or have I just got perfect ones??
"If practise makes perfect, and no one is perfect, why practise? Duh.."