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Joined: 10/27/12
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Joined: 10/27/12
Posts: 3
12/21/2012 7:10 pm
I am sending another lyric... its fairly new and i have been wroking on it, on and off for past four years; mostly going over it in my head until just recently. Its now been on paper for several months. I am sending this one as it has very nice ballad tune/melody, one of my better songs but not the best.
Its based on true story. I spent 20 grand and eight yrs getting this bully taw of a jewel from addis ababa here to america only to have her run off once she thought she was getting her green card. People, be careful with mail order brides-ha,ha, I was mad for entire week and so i began writing science fiction novels and wrote her into the story as an antagonist. At first she's a no good coniving woman but, once my anger subsided, I wrote her in as a hero within the fourth book.
My four novels titled, Mr. Modem (Man Of Dark Energy Matter) is about a super hero who fights aliens who have been abducting musicians for their live harmonics. These aliens need harmonics for nourishment. Any way, in my books, Meron Fekade is a tap dancer and she was originally abducted by the queen Sintu Mmocc. Mr. Modem ends up saving his beloved! Enjoy the lyrics.