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Joined: 03/03/02
Posts: 19
New Member
Joined: 03/03/02
Posts: 19
05/05/2002 2:39 pm
If you want to be a good lead player you must:
1: Learn all the modal scales and pent. scales and the arpeggios in those scales.

2: The only way to succsesfuly learn the above is to ALWAYS record yourself playing progressions. I started with just one chord, then two, then three and so on.
---EX. Play Amin for 10min (or loop it)jam along to Amin for a month if you need to, but lean all the fingerings for Amin. THEN--do the same for Dmin.
AFter that record Amin going to Dmin. Then the magic happens: Play Amin scales over Amin and Dmin scales over Dmin!!!!
In the course of only 2 years Ive learned to play over any chord in a progression---as long as it dosnt move to quick.
Trust me do this and your playing will take a HUGE leap!!!
When a progression goes like Emin for 4 messures then Amaj for 4 then F7 for 4 to Bmin then back to Emin-----nail your lines to each chord. Switching to a new fingering without moving from the 7th or 12th fret is hard at first but It can be done, just take your time and learn how to do it---it time you will be playing like a pro.