I then sort of lost momentum at about 16 (exams and then work and life takes over), and at 17 I broke my left wrist quite badly and the doc's said I'd never get full movement or flexibility back. They were wrong - I can't do pushups on it as it is a bit weaker, but movement seems fine, although it was something I always worried about as I've wanted to pick up a guitar again for years.
Picked up my niece's guitar a couple of years ago, and was really rusty but only gave it a go for two minutes. Was visiting a friend that I haven't seen in a while a few weeks back, picked up his guitar and was amazed at how much came flooding back.
So... It was my birthday last week and at the weekend I got a shiny new Yamaha Pacifica 112v (I say shiny and new... The scratchplate was all scratched from being in the shop - kinda a bit gutting but I guess I'll end up doing worse than that to begin with and it's easy enough to replace).
I'd seen GT a few months back and remembered that I was going to give it a proper look if I ever did get round to getting a guitar again... So I signed up straight away to full access...
I'm loving the way the "bite size" lessons are laid out.... I'm loving the way the site is laid out and works. Although I've played before and have amazed myself how it's all coming flooding back, I've started at the beginning with Fundamentals 1. I know I got into bad habits when I used to play, and I consider my memory not what it was when I was younger even if I am pleasantly surprising myself on that front... But I still felt it made sense to start at the beginning.
Sooooo... Loving the site, and hope to be a member for a long, long time to come... Looking forward to getting back acquainted with the guitar and far surpassing my previous abilities... :-)