I'm shocked to see how many people like me have a "loving history" of guitar playing that got lost somewhere 30 years or so ago and are now fired with ambition to recapture youth.....and past skills.
In the 70's I was a typical guitar playing, folksinging, war protesting college student and was pretty good at all the above. Of course, now that I look over some of the music theory, GAGE system, and other advanced guitar info on this site, I realize I was pretty good in a very "baby" way with a high level of profeciency in easy open chords and better than average finger picking skills on these baby chords!!
At this point, I'm trying to get some of those "easy, baby skills" back and they are kicking my #%@!. But......I'm having such fun.
The plan is to recapture some early skills and add to them with the help from GT experts. Bought a new guitar for incentive, blasted through everything until that "bad boy" B-major chord was introduced and am now working on mastering that.
Anybody have any advise or encouragement on just how long it takes to master that thing? Appreciate any thoughts or advise.
Meanwhile, Glad be here !!
JosieNurse[FONT=Arial Black]JosieNurse[/FONT]JosieNurseJosieNurse