What's with the 'humble student' anyway - you really know about this stuff! That nice guy Neal Walter should put you on the GT payroll! I especially like your endorsement of Rory Gallagher - I saw him many years ago at the Liverpool Philharmonic Hall (I'm pretty ancient) - and he was up there with the best. Like you say, it's essential that we don't forget these terrific guitarists. Yours, Steve (in the UK)
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Hey Hunter60,
What's with the 'humble student' anyway - you really know about this stuff! That nice guy Neal Walter should put you on the GT payroll! I especially like your endorsement of Rory Gallagher - I saw him many years ago at the Liverpool Philharmonic Hall (I'm pretty ancient) - and he was up there with the best. Like you say, it's essential that we don't forget these terrific guitarists. Yours, Steve (in the UK)
What's with the 'humble student' anyway - you really know about this stuff! That nice guy Neal Walter should put you on the GT payroll! I especially like your endorsement of Rory Gallagher - I saw him many years ago at the Liverpool Philharmonic Hall (I'm pretty ancient) - and he was up there with the best. Like you say, it's essential that we don't forget these terrific guitarists. Yours, Steve (in the UK)