Originally Posted by: brenoazziHi ElectricDjango,
(i) Yes, i know this, but I am referring specifically to the GT metronome. I just donĀ“t understand why a metronome don't have adjustable bpm beat by beat.
(ii) Of course, no problems with practice. This would not the focus of the thread.
(iii) I agree.
(iv) I agree. I think itĀ“s not noticeable to the audience , however i would like to work with precise tempos and accurate rhythm. Maybe in a long run, some adjustments up and down in tempo, even being only by 1 beat, could cause some problems with my sense of rhythm.
It may be that, if the 1 bpm difference is meaningful to you, the GT metronome is not the one to be using.
Jon posted this in April; "I spent a lot of time working on the development of the metronome. During that time, I tested other flash based metronomes available. I found they all tend to be a little flaky, and the flaky-ness depends on your system and what software it has running. For instance, the anti-virus you run can make the metronome speed up and slow down.
So overall, flash metronomes just don't stand up to the sort of scrutiny you are giving this one. For real precision, you have to have native software, not flash."
It sounds like no matter at what tempo, the GT metronome 'could cause some problems with your sense of rhythm.' ;)
"It takes a lot of devotion and work, or maybe I should say play, because if you love it, that's what it amounts to. I haven't found any shortcuts, and I've been looking for a long time."
-- Chet Atkins