Question from new acoustic player

Hi, just a quick question regarding the core learning system. After I finish fundamentals levels 1 and 2, which style branch (i.e. blues, country, rock) would you all recommend for someone who plans to play acoustic only? I plan on playing mostly contemporary rock/alternative songs or whatever, but the rock branch of lessons seems to focus a lot on electric guitar. Any suggestions?
# 1

Lisa McCormick
Has a lot of excelent lessions that should fit what you are doing at this time. Click on the Instructors tab, take a while to check out what each offers.
Has a lot of excelent lessions that should fit what you are doing at this time. Click on the Instructors tab, take a while to check out what each offers.
# 2
Well I think that the blues style is a good thing to do. Its the basis of almost everything in north america. Almost everything in there can be applied to accoustic. But like haghj500 mentionned, Lisa has a lot of lessons, everything accoustic related.
# 3
I agree that Lisa's lessons are a great for acoustic players that also play other styles more associated with electric.
Douglas Showalter
# 4