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There's also another really awesome PC game that came out a few years ago. It was called Carmageddon. This one's old and they have released 2 new ones since its release. Carmageddon 2 sucked. I don't know about part 3 but I heard it was even worse. They tried to add all of these bonus missions to it where you have to blow up satellites on rooftops and run over insane assylum escapees. It sucked! They should have just stuck with the basic gameplay of the first one (running over people in creative ways, while trying to take out your opponents Destruction Derby-style) My guilty pleasure was always running over the old lady trying to cross the street on her walker. Taking out 6 people at one time in a powerslide. Oh, the memories. If you have a 3DFX card you should try to get this bonus pack called the Splat Pack. It takes advantage of that graphics card...the graphics still look like crap, though. I sometimes see the game in bargain bins for about $5. It's more than worth it.