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Has anyone played the demo for Freedom Force yet? This game looks really cool. You get to create a super hero and get him to guard Metropolis or whatever they call the city in this one. BTW, I almost forgot that there is a strategy game that I still love. Has anyone ever played Worms 2 or Worms Armageddon? The Worms games are some of the best PC games ever! Mostly, why I like this one is because of its goofy sense of humor. That's one reason why I considered giving Freedom Force a try. The download is 76% complete! Almost there! I'll tell you if it's worth picking up when I give it a try. Here, here's the link for it. Oh yeah, and they messed up on the file name. They put eedom_Force instead of freedom_Force. It still links to the file so don't change it or anything.