I am as beginner as they come (have held my new guitar in my hands for about 5 days now). I am having major trouble and consequently frustration with my fret fingers constantly touching other strings (if even ever so slightly) causing them to mute. I have big hands and very long fingers and can't seem to get them not to do this. This is of course making it very difficult to play the basic chords and I'm already feeling like it just might not be physically possible for me to play this instrument.
Are there any tips out there or things I can try to help with this? I watch the video lessons and I can't for the life of me figure out how they make it look so effortless to hit the fret strings without touching them all. I have read things out there about lowering the action on my guitar so the strings are as close to the fret board as possible. Would that help get them away from my fingers? I don't know how to do this so I would have to take it someplace and have them adjust it. Don't want to spend the money if it won't help.
Oh and I have a Fender T-Bucket 300CE. It played so smooth in the store and I wanted to invest a little more to start out rather than get a real cheap beginner guitar. I like it a lot but the strings do seem to be pretty far from the fret board especially from about fret 4 or 5 on.
Thanks everyone!