Thanks for your interest. Glad to hear there's intent to upgrade this part of the site!
I've not thoroughly explored the site for how tutorials/lessons are grouped. It seems there's a structure when you head into the tutorials, which I hadn't noticed until you mentioned it.
So far I've been following the Core Learning System tutorials/lessons. And only out of interest have I dabbled in a random search for a certain technique.
So I see what you're saying, where you question the tutorial vs lesson level.
I meant at a lesson, or per video, level, because the Core Learning System has so many parts (where as the tutorials outside of the Core Learning System seem to only have small sections of lessons).
What if, for example, I searched for Sweep Picking? Then did the two or three lessons, then left it? If these are part of a larger Metal Techniques tutorial, then I'd forget that I've completed them.
I guess... ultimately, it would be great it you could 'tick' every individual video/lesson. Then upon completing all of the lessons in that group/tutorial, a "tutorial completed" tick is shown at the heading. Because you may not finish a whole tutorial in one session, or even a week, so it'd be good to know where you left off. Then, upon completing, or ticking, all the lessons in that group, a "tutorial" tick is shown.
Now, I have no idea how hard it would be to code this for the individual user.
But what I am currently doing is copy/pasting the text from the list of lessons into a text document on my computer. Then hi-lighting the lesson I'm up to in green text. Then I update the green text after every session.
I also download the lessons I feel are useful and want to refer back to one day (possibly a different "tick" for this, meaning "flagged" for future reference? This mark could merely represent lessons that are "bookmarked").
But what happens after I move on from the Core Learning System, and I'm doing a lesson here and tutorial there. I may be struggling with fingerpicking and want to leave the lessons and practise for a few weeks, but move on with Rockabilly 101. My list will get rather messy and full in no time.
Of course, this is all being very focused to detail. But I'm trying to explain what would be fully user friendly and thorough. All this marking of lessons would also give you a sense of "completion", like you're actually getting somewhere with you skills. You know what I'm saying?!
Thanks for your ear Jon.