Originally Posted by: AllenTing I am now eager to play popular music pieces or songs. My goal is to play for a school band one day.
Should I go to a Guitar teacher?
Those are some pretty clear goals. As well as following Compart's advice, another suggestion is that if there is a specific song you'd like to learn, but can't find it here, check other sites like "Lick Library" for in depth lessons on how to play specific songs. I bought the "Sweet Child of Mine" lesson, and they break it down really well. But that's another thing... choose an easy song so you can get it under your belt relatively quickly. For learning specific songs, those sites are the way to go... it will cost you $10 for what it will cost you hundreds of dollars to go through with a teacher. If between this site and learning specific songs there is a technique problem that you're having... lets say for example no matter how hard you try not to, you drop your pick every 20 seconds.. then go see a teacher about that. I would suggest though when going to a teacher that you have a specific goal to work on, and when you achieve it, work on your own until you need their help again.