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Joined: 10/28/11
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Registered User
Joined: 10/28/11
Posts: 10
01/02/2012 8:31 pm
Happy New Year!

Does anyone have any experience with or tips for group instruction?

In a few weeks I will start teaching a beginning guitar course to about ten kids ages 9-11. The course is part of a home schooling cooperative and not-for-profit. The class will meet once a week for just under an hour, over a period of ten weeks.

I don't have a problem with the course content, but uncertain about classroom management. The ground rules will include not talking or making sounds unless called upon, and everyone will have a practice log to maintain. I am expecting a diverse assortment of guitars, to include the toys sold at the big box stores. (To prepare for this I actually went out and got the cheapest guitar I could find -- a plastic First Act Discovery from Walmart -- and practiced a fair amount to become familiar with its limitations.) I am expecting a lot of work coping with tuning and intonation problems.

Anyways, if anyone has experience with this sort of thing, I'd love to hear about it.

Best regards,