Another new guy just signing on.......

I am a lead guitarist hailing from Macon Georgia(don't get to excited,the music scene is pitiful here if you don't sound like Duane)I am 33 yrs old,3 kids(1 bass player,1 aspiring guitar player,and 1 that is 2 yrs.old)Ihave been playing the bars and dives for 12 yrs.I play a fender Tele thru ether my Fender blues deville or my trusty Peavy bandit.Not much on effects but I do run a comp. and a Vox wah.My style could be called reckless, but it usually runs in the rockabilly/country vein with all the tricks from 80's rock.I think that about covers it for now so till later...
# 1
well - what can i say..
[FONT=Times New Roman]Holiness is in right action and courage on behalf of those who cannot defend themselves. What you decide to do every day makes you a good person... or not.[/FONT][br][br]
# 2

welcome Collin222001
If you need any help just ask!
Theres alot of great guitarists on here from around the
world...........(Enjoy and read alot of old and new posts,
plus check out the Tricks part of the board.
[Edited by skee1 on 03-23-2002 at 08:38 AM]
If you need any help just ask!
Theres alot of great guitarists on here from around the
world...........(Enjoy and read alot of old and new posts,
plus check out the Tricks part of the board.
[Edited by skee1 on 03-23-2002 at 08:38 AM]
yours truly Mark Toman
# 3's pretty helpful round here... you dont just get help with how to play certain song / getting tab etc etc... you'll get help with pretty much anything... Home recording is something that does tend to crop up... and things like guitar biulding apear on the TEch talk part of the forum...
# 4

# 5
Originally posted by collin222001
(don't get to excited,the music scene is pitiful here if you don't sound like Duane)
Sounds like the scene up here except you'd have to substitue "Duane" for "a Top Forty radio station."
Welcome aboard though, we're glad to see you.
Guitar Tricks Moderator
Careful what you wish for friend
I've been to Hell and now I'm back again - Home of Online Guitar Lessons
Guitar Tricks Moderator
Careful what you wish for friend
I've been to Hell and now I'm back again - Home of Online Guitar Lessons
# 6

# 7
Originally posted by collin222001That's the kind of experience that produces some really valuable advice for those of us who are just 'breaking in'. Make yourself at home!
I am a lead guitarist hailing from Macon Georgia...I have been playing the bars and dives for 12 yrs....
# 8

Yeah, I'd say that I'll always be happy to help out, but I have a feeling you're the one that should be giving me advice. Always good to hear form someone who gigs regularly.
Anyway, welcome, hope you find some useful information here.
Anyway, welcome, hope you find some useful information here.
"Dozens of people spontaneously combust each year, it's just not that widely reported".
# 9

My kids?My oldest daughter is 12 yrs old,then I have another daughter that is 11 but my son is 2.He hasn't made up his mind yet on what instrument to go to yet he seems to like them all.About the best advice to give anybody is keep it in key(as much as you can ;) )keep your ears open,and watch for those flying beer bottles because those dang things really do hurt alot(I wish I was just kidding)
# 10

Hi everybody Im a guitarist as well and a newbie to this site, I live in Danville Kentucky and Im an electronics technician and own a home studio just wanted to say hi to all my new friends here...............
regards , warmfret
regards , warmfret
# 11

You'll like it.
And when you get to 50 posts(i think),they'll proudly change your descripption from new mwmber to 100 it becomes senoir member.that ought to feel good.
And most guys and girls on this joint aren't snobs or anything.
A couple are a bit mad,tho'.
But it's a nice place to be,overall.
You'll like it.
And when you get to 50 posts(i think),they'll proudly change your descripption from new mwmber to 100 it becomes senoir member.that ought to feel good.
And most guys and girls on this joint aren't snobs or anything.
A couple are a bit mad,tho'.
But it's a nice place to be,overall.
# 12
Originally posted by kingdavidI'll have you know sir, I resemble that remark! :D
... A couple are a bit mad,tho'...
# 13

Originally posted by warmfretIm from the big
Hi everybody Im a guitarist as well and a newbie to this site, I live in Danville Kentucky and Im an electronics technician and own a home studio just wanted to say hi to all my new friends here...............
regards , warmfret
"O"in Kentucky, My ol kenyucky home!! Welcome aboard.
Rock-n-Roll 4 Ever
:cool: Jack 7
:cool: Jack 7
# 14
Well, that's nice a guitarist with a already full bag of tricks.
With 12 years under your belt you could easely apply for a host on guitar tricks. Well, that's up to Jon and the gang but still...
Looking forward to hear from your experiences.
Oh yeah, Welcome to the community :)
# 15

Just wanted to take the time to thank everyone for saying "Hi" and welcoming me here.It is nice to know that there are some good people here.I am not very good with this computer thing yet,but I am learning.It may take a while to get through this site because it looks quite thourough.But on a lighter note,I don't know if I will ever get to the status of "member" as my typing is a liitle slow(it could take bloody forever to type a 100 messages!):) but till later............
# 16