Learning great song..

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Joined: 11/27/09
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12/16/2011 5:03 am
Pretty much an intermediate , been workin on Riviera Paradise by SRV. What a great guitar song. Little jazzy with a cool solo. Trying to take his style/riffs and make the solo my own. If your a blues player looking for something new(not really I guess)/different check it out. Would love to see GT (Anders :-) ) add this to their library. Is this SRV original or did he cover it?
# 1
Guitar Tricks Admin
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Guitar Tricks Admin
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12/19/2011 9:43 pm
Thanks for posting! We are currently working on adding a number of songs to our Songs Page but are always accepting suggestions for new titles at the "Song Request" section in our online forum.

Here is a link to the "Songs Request" section of our forum.http://www.guitartricks.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=58

Please let us know if there is anything else we can help with.

GT Admin
If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please contact us.
# 2
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12/22/2011 12:42 am
I remember having a go with Riviera Paradise years ago. After hours of improvising my own stuff over the recording due to just getting impatient with trying to work every note out perfectly I bought the tab just to compare, it's one of those I can still sit down with for hours.

Ironically the best thing I got from that one song wasn't the music but finding out how SRV did those weird high-pitched noises in the middle: by striking the open strings BEHIND the nut of a strat and using the tremolo to bend the resulting dischord down half a step - not sure how I never figured that out on my own as when I get bored I'll try anything on an instrument to get it to sound either different or horrible.
'There's no such thing as bad weather, there's only the wrong clothes...'
# 3
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12/30/2011 3:59 pm
It's a great song....love it so much;)

SRV is my all time favorite blues guitarist
# 4

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