View post (Waste of time to learn solos note by note?)

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Joined: 11/07/11
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Joined: 11/07/11
Posts: 6
12/01/2011 3:17 am
Originally Posted by: 3donkeyHey Dave52,
I dont think it's a waste of time at all. Actually that's the way the teach the solos in every song on here. The key thing when you're trying learning a solo is to first listen and listen many times untill you have it in your head and you're able to sing it. As the master Anders Mouridsen says: the more you can sing it, the more easy will be when you try to play it. This is because it's not just a issue to memorize notes but also to pay attention to timing and rythm.
How long have you been playing? If you re just a starter I would suggest to focus on rythm, chords, etc before going straight to the solos.. but this is just my opinion

Thanks for your responses guys!

I've actually been "playing" for 10 years. Though most of that time I just messed around from time to time playing songs I knew or simple chord progressions. It wasn't until about a month ago when I joined this site that I committed to really get better and work on my improv. Either way my rhythm, chords, picking, etc are all pretty good...although alternate and high voicings of chords I need to work on understanding the theory behind them.

I'm going through Blues level 2 right now and I see how learning artists' solos could give you cool licks to mess around with and adapt to your own style. I guess I was talking more about learning note for note a 30 second solo, which I feel that while helpful, it'd be a better use to time to understand the scale and individual licks behind it. Sort of teaching a man how to fish and feeding him forever as opposed to giving him a fish?