Originally Posted by: IntrepidDadThis pretty much describes me. I took some voice lessons earlier in life but at best it only made me less bad. While I think most people can improve with lessons and practice, I do think there is some "gene" in your body that either allows you to sing on key or not. Unfortunately I don't have it.
This has been an ongoing arguement between my vocal coach and I since my 1st lesson. I totally agree with you for one reason. I have taken private lessons on clarinet(over 100) drums and guitar and progressivly got better with each lesson. the 1st ten on each instrument always pretty bad and everyone knew I was a begginer.
Now take singing... the only instrument where there is no fret, no strings, no hole to cover or drum skin to hit. No assistance what-so-ever. YOU HAVE TO PULL IT OUT FROM THIN AIR!!! YET, some people with no musical skills can sing beautifully ... I'm not even close with all my training. So far I agree with you It's got to be in a gene! My coach say's I have a beautiful voice...but I'm not a good singer YET. The jury's still out. many excellent points about things going on in my head such as key, pitch and range that I need to forget about could be very valid points. I still believe and hope she will prove us both wrong. I'll keep you posted. I am filming my lessons so I will post the before and afters very soon. I am getting better but I'll let the people on here be the real judge!