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Dejan Sajinovic
Senior Member
Joined: 04/03/02
Posts: 652
Dejan Sajinovic
Senior Member
Joined: 04/03/02
Posts: 652
10/01/2002 8:03 pm
There´s lot of wicked stuff on those CD´s. Some good, some bad. My fav. are Little Green Man, Vivid Woman, Atitude Song and Boy Girl Song. There are some more but I can´t come up the titels.

Let´s jump to the movie subject. I´m very impressed of Maggio boy our what´s he called ´cause that stuff looks too damn real. Especially those octav jumps. How did they do it, does anyone know. Did they speed it up our somthin´ (his fingers of course)

[Edited by Dejan Sajinovic on 10-01-2002 at 03:06 PM]
Dejan S. No speed limit