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Dejan Sajinovic
Senior Member
Joined: 04/03/02
Posts: 652
Dejan Sajinovic
Senior Member
Joined: 04/03/02
Posts: 652
09/28/2002 9:06 pm
On fatal solo beggining, I think John picks 3 and pull off 3 notes during the whole run. It´s damn hard cause of those insane shifts. Another thing that´s pretty rough is the part when he plays fast tremolo picking at 12 on E string, 14 on A string and all that run all the way to 12-14-15 triplet octave run wich also includes a pretty hard sweep. So intro and that one is the hardest.

Since I love chromatic runs, I always enyoj when I come to the finish of under a glass solo. That chromatic run is very cool and yet very simple. What do you think about Lie and Erotomania end solo if you ever tried them?
Dejan S. No speed limit