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Joined: 09/06/11
Posts: 29
Registered User
Joined: 09/06/11
Posts: 29
09/11/2011 8:36 am
hi,Hi I'm Useing An Old Boss Me6 From 1985 i think that was the year i've Had since i was 16 i love it,but ive allways wanted the valve warm rock tone ive got EMg Pick ups Now in my Strat and thats made it so much Better but no quite got that sound yet.Ive Tried other things like line 6 pod xt live and boss Me50.but i love the clean sounds on my me6 that much i cant get close to the that on the new i allways go back to my me6.any ideas i would be very greatfull? i dont use an amp i go direct thru mixing desk.and go thru a D.I. box.

just explain it a bit more love it if i could get my Old Boss Me6 To Sound Like A Valve sound.that would be so good :)