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Joined: 01/25/01
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Senior Member
Joined: 01/25/01
Posts: 191
03/13/2002 9:32 pm
Originally posted by Axl_Rose
Sorry, what was funny? My ignorance in understanding?
Ive only been playing a year and have never had lessons but i can already play basically every guns n roses song, so dinny start!! now am working on the theory. So when i see two versions of the g major scale, one starting on an open 3rd string and one on the 12th fret am thinking, wow, these sound different!!
Is that really dumb??

Later Torby

Not to put you down or anything but it's kind of stupid learning by playing other peoples music...if you work on theory first you will be able to play very difficult stuff in the space of a year AND you will understand the songwriting behind the songs that you learn so you will be able to jam with them without playing the exact thing that they do. That will help if you can't find the tab for a certain song and really want to play it. Learning theory before learning to copy also greatly helps with songwriting once you start to try making it big becuase your brain will be more geared towards technical aspects and variety than towards sounding a certain way. People like you are the reason that you will find certain bands that sound the exact same as others or are greatly influenced by them. Dreadfully annoying.

So just a word of advice...sit down and practice for a while each day on theory and getting to know the fretboard. Work on just messing around for a bit with scales to see how to move them up and down the fretboard while staying in the right key. Play a little with barre and other mobile chords to get scales from them. If you do that you won't ever need lessons and thus save $12-30 per hour in learning. You'll never regret that.

Oh, and the reason I went off on all that was because you stumpled upon a pet peave of mine...I find it ungodly stupid the way people think that being able to play a song that someone else wrote shows that they have skill, even if it is all of GR's songs. Skill is all about bending the guitar to your will, making it cry and scream according to your desires. (for the non-poetically minded, that means improve and songwritting).