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is Super Fabulous
Joined: 03/06/01
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is Super Fabulous
Joined: 03/06/01
Posts: 1,623
03/13/2002 4:55 pm
Originally posted by Axl_Rose
Ok i finally get it.. its the spaces between the notes that dictate which scale.. and the note it starts on is the name on the scale..!!!

Exactly, that's what I meant by intervals. There is a certain pattern of intervals for a major scale, a minor scale, etc. All the patterns that you're making up on the fretboard come from these intervals.

When you play that huge G scale pattern across all 6 strings, you're actually playing the G scale three times, across three octaves. From the G note at the 15th fret, 6th string to the 17th fret, 4th string is once through. And so forth . . .

As to your last question . . . there's no right answer to that. You could play the G major scale using notes from all different octaves, but whether it would be allowed or not is another story.