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High Bandwidth
Joined: 04/12/01
Posts: 443
High Bandwidth
Joined: 04/12/01
Posts: 443
03/27/2002 6:22 pm
I should have mentioned when i answered Axl
That also you could be playing in the key=C
but the first chord you play in the song might be related to the key of C like G7 Am ect.
That why its good to learn the circle of 5ths plus
learn scales.
Also too much theory Jargon ect can confuse a person just learning basic theory thats why i try to stay in more
laymans terms when trying to explain Basic theory,
plus you can tell by the question they ask plus how its
worded that they didn't come right out of (GIT)
If somebody is asking to learn how (Keys) relate in a
song they sure don't want to hear all that jargon!
Its like some one trying to teach a student guitar but speaking in spanish and the student only knows English.

Triad=Chord) But sir i just wanted to know how to make a C chord .(What the hell is a Triad Sir)
(Music theory is great if the student knows what a
(Harmonic minor scale means in plain english)

[Edited by skee1 on 03-27-2002 at 12:32 PM]
yours truly Mark Toman