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Joined: 08/10/01
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03/17/2002 7:22 pm
hmm... I'm gonna agree with lalimacefollie here... i'm working on something at the mo which uses Bminor, Amaj, Dmaj, which fits into G, D and A major scales... So that's three keys, and if you wanna cout the modes that's x7, which is 21 (i know you can multiply, i just thought i'd save you the effort lol)...
What i'm doing is repeating this chord progression over and over, simply but changing the key of the lead... cos i hate songs where the key change is moving the whole thing up/ down by the required steps...
Basically in yer major scale you got your 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th....
The chord with the root note that's a 1st, 4th, 5th a major...
chords with 2nd, 3rd, 6th, are minor...
and a chord with 7ths as a root are diminished...
eg for c major (CDEFGABC)
major chords in this key are Cmaj, f maj, gmaj
minor chords in this key are Dminor, Eminor, Aminor,
Augmented is the B diminished chord...

now, if i was to used every one of those chords, then that chord progression would be exlucive to that key... but most songs dont do antying like that... and the less chords you use the more keys it will fall into... oh, and remember that those chords fall into 6 other modes...
Music theory is fantastic, and is extremly helpful in composition... and can give some cool tricks wich i'm not sure can be said for playing by ear... dont get me wrong, i used to play just be ear... but now i'm learning music theory my compisitions have improved.....
What key would a song that uses 3 different scales be? (the time used for each is about the same...)
but you are right in MOST cases...

[Edited by educatedfilm on 03-18-2002 at 11:22 AM]