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Gargoyle Instructor
Joined: 04/06/01
Posts: 2,093
Gargoyle Instructor
Joined: 04/06/01
Posts: 2,093
03/14/2002 11:38 am
Question: Does that realy matter? *L*

I mean if u know the chords and how they are written/played, then you´ll have no problem when u work together with professional musicians, for if u tell them the chord progressions, the´ll know what to do ;)

Analyzing songs and bringing them down to plain theory is something students do at a university to fight boredom and to satisfy their teachers.. the results are somewhat like this:

"The first movement of this three-movement for guitar - a 'Preludio' of resrained expressiveness - is notated in what seems to be an Alla bréve metre in order to help the player´s rythmic orientation; however, it cannot be fitted into any metrical scheme, and must, moreover, be treated with a great deal of agogical freedom. Most of the movement is monophonic, with frequent contrasts provided by broken or arpeggiated chorde whose structure is complex and full of tension..." (as taken from Heinz Kratochwil´s "Trpitychon")

*L* so.. i´d say: do whatever you please, get a bit of theoretical knowledge (chords, scales, etc..) and then forget it again and use yer ear and heart to do the rest!



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