View post (Sustain / Gain)

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Joined: 01/20/02
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New Member
Joined: 01/20/02
Posts: 2
03/04/2002 5:56 am
My first post, I guess...
I'm not a huge tech-head either, but I think Slashs sound comes mostly from volume... I've noticed that in my experience with tube amps, which is fairly limited you get a little more of a crisp overdrive the louder you turn it up... Without the array of string noises that tons of gain causes. I don't know where you're playing, if its a small room or a big room, but try a little less gain and some more volume. Less noise, and more noise all at the same time... Or maybe if you want put a capacitor in line with your signal somewhere around your volume know and give your guitar a more crisp sound with the volume pot turned down when you go the chords...
I probably made no sense at all, which is normal, but anyway... Just try it...
