anybody into dream theater?

# 1
I like Dream theater a lot but Azrael (other guitartricks member) made me discover Liquid tension experiment which is now composed of almost all DT members. No lyrics just music.
If you don't know them you really should. They are great.
My favorite DT album probably is Image and words but I also like Awake a lot.
I got a TApe of one of their shows in Japan. Man Petrucci is so technical and accurate live.
If you don't know them you really should. They are great.
My favorite DT album probably is Image and words but I also like Awake a lot.
I got a TApe of one of their shows in Japan. Man Petrucci is so technical and accurate live.
# 2

# 3

liquid tension is awesome. im just wondering if they can play the songs live. it seems that they are just jamming and just happened to record it by mistake. i'd really like to see them play the songs live. i heard john petrucci played some LTE in the G3 tour though.
# 4

Deamtheater are amazin, i havent really heard anything that has the same sort of incredible structure in their songs, they ar so well put together, and each member is brilliant in their own field, i would have to say the most talentfilled band i have ever heard and i feel they are truly underrecognised!
# 5

But as someone recently pointed out to me, John Petrucci is good, i mean REALLY good but it's all technical. There isn't any real "feel". It's not musical inthe sense that all he plays is mostly technical stuff, repeating what he has spent hours doesn't come from his's just another practice session this time in front of an audience, not improvisational ....
# 6
It's true he's really technical but I have a a VHS of one of their shows in Japan and He breaks into a really good solo.
He goes into a jazz part in the solo where you can FEEL his solo. I think he looses that feel when playing a song.
Very technical stuff may sound empty in terms of feeling. I still enjoy the music a lot.
# 7

There's stuff on Images that sounds fantastic, a bit less on the other albums, but I still think perfection in terms of music differs from sounding quantized. Not that it'll stop me from stealing a nice speedy lick like the one in "You Not Me" solo.
Impendance is fruitfull
while the buttons are circled.:eek:
while the buttons are circled.:eek:
# 8