How to change strings on Floyd Rose?

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02/27/2002 1:00 pm
I have on my guitar the Floyd Rose tremolo. I like it during playing, but I have the problem when changing the strings, it lasts for at least half an hour, until the strings are tuned.
I begin tuning on the 6th and progress to the 1st. When the first is tuned, the 6th and 5th aren't anymore because the tremolo gives way. So I must repeat this procedure again and again until all strings stay tuned.

Is there any method to make this faster?

Thanx alot
# 1
is Super Fabulous
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is Super Fabulous
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02/27/2002 7:35 pm

First of all, when changing the strings, make sure you take off one string at a time and replace it with the new string before you take off another. If you take off all the strings at the same time (like so many first time Floyd Rose owners) you'll have to remount the entire bridge. (which is a total pain in the ass)

The best advice I can give concerning tuning is to tune the whole guitar up to F or F# and let the strings stretch out. Let it sit there for about an hour and then go tune normally. Also, a lot of people start their tuning at the low E string. This will always cause problems because the low E string, being the fatest, has the most tension on the bridge. Start at the high E string and tune down using harmonics.

# 2
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02/27/2002 10:48 pm
i agree with the one string at a time. but change
the 6th first. and i would never tune high. the strings
are engineered to sound good at a certain tension and
your guitar is set up ( or should be )with the strings
at that tension. if ya tune up ya kill your strings
sooner. the reason for changin the 6th first is that
it as the biggest tension against the bridge and will
stretch, so i put on a new 6th..tune it....replace the
5th tune it then retune the 6th then the 5th again, then
replace the 4th.retune 6th, 5th 4th...etc. i think ya
get the picture.
# 3
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02/27/2002 10:59 pm
Thank you. I was wondering about this topic myself but didn't know how to ask or if I even should.
Mark 8:36
# 4
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02/28/2002 7:43 am
Many thanx,

but when changing the strings one by one, how do I cleaning the fretboard, when needed?
# 5
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02/28/2002 5:22 pm
First off it depends on what type of Flyod Rose Trem system you have, if it's liscenced then what i have to say should be headed withy some caution if it's an original then this will work great for you.

1.) take a stack of your thickest credit sized cards and with the whammy (trem) bar in place, force the whole bridge up out of it's hole then slide the cards in under the bridge so that they go across the pocket where the bridge rests. Again, the cards should be placed the long way across the pocket with the width of the body.

2.) Release the bridge and let it fall into place resting nicely on the cards. Remember thick cards = more support, weak thin ass cards = "oh god no!".

3.) I usually just loosen everything, remove the string locks at the nut, loosen the strings until they can be played coherently at all and snip each one off.

4.) Restring starting at low E (6th), and progressing to the high E string (1st). Once you have all the strings in place, make sure to lock the strings in nice asnd tight in their saddles, and start tuning.

5.) Tune.

6.) Once tuned a bit over correct and or desired pitch lock the bridge and let the guitar sit for a few. Once you have it up to being tuned remove the cards, they have become uneccesary thanks to new string tension...

Anyhow that's how i do it, hope that helps you out a bit.
# 6
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03/07/2002 3:30 am
here's a great explaination of the best way to do it...
it's also a great resourse for guitars with floyd roses
hope u like it
Way Cool Christian Guitarist
# 7
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01/08/2006 4:25 pm
I just changed my strings on my giuitar which has a liscenced floyd rose tremelo and something is messed up. I changed them one at a time, but i started with the first string on accident but i did everything else right. Then i did the rest and i tuned it after i was done and the strings were so tight that the tremelo was all the forward. so i was like what the hell andi loosened them all up and i want to no what i did wrong or what is wrong?
# 8

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