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Scramble Champ
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Joined: 09/25/10
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Scramble Champ
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Joined: 09/25/10
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03/29/2011 4:56 pm
Hey Folks, I joined several months ago and have been learning from the site as I can. It is hit and miss for access sometimes due to currently living in Afghanistan but all is well right now. Been playing less than a year and am completely hooked (Have bought 4 Acoustics and 1 Elect. 2 amps and countless books ect...). Been skipping around some ....12 Barre Blues, scales, a couple of riffs but have not settled on one set procedure or learning technique. This seems to be a great site but sometimes to much info is a bad thing, it keeps me jumping from one style/type to another. I'm looking for Basic structured learning techniques with some sort of time frame/estimate for getting down the fundamentals. Kinda like ..........If you practice 1hr. a day it should take you X amount of time to get this basic ........Style/technique down. Any tips for the "Happily Confused" would be appreciated.

Hug Your Kids

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03/29/2011 11:57 pm
Hey bud! Way awesome that we're doing this around the world!
I'm 53 and still only play pretty good, but if I knew then what I know now......
spend 1/2 an hour on tech stuff like scales, reading and learning the sheet music. That's the most you can do without wandering and loosing focus. Spend the next hour (or more) playing along with music you like. Then, if you're still fresh, go back to the scales and tech stuff. This is a hobby, so it has to stay fun!

# 2
Dan Acheron
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Dan Acheron
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03/30/2011 5:22 am
Scramble Champ it varies for each individual for how long it will take to learn a certain technique. My advice is to keep at it and you will eventually achieve your musical goals!
# 3

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