As far as this site being good - it's great and I have no incentive to make that comment. I took personal lessons 15 years ago for over a year. I got further here in 3 months. I guess some may say it depends on your goals, and down the road maybe I would need something "more" but I play every day and think I could spend 2-3 years here and learn every day. It's fairly priced (much less than a personal teacher), you can take lessons whenever you want from the comfort and convenience of home, watch lessons repeatedly if you want/need. I have found using this site for technique and You Tube for an endless selection of song lessons has been a great combo. And there is no yearly commitment or anything, so sign up for a month and then make a decision. My guess is you'll stick with it here.
As far as the guitar goes, I asked that same question to dozens of people and pretty consistently got - just "buy what feels and sounds good to you". My only recommendation is to buy what you like that you can afford. I bought a real cheap acoustic (didn't want to spend lots and maybe give it up in a month) and within 6 weeks upgraded). If you have the means for the "better" guitar and it doesn't work out you can always sell it and recoup some of your investment. The "cheapie" will have almost no resale vale.
Anyhow, this is all subjective but I hope it helps.