cable for electric guitar, please an advice

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01/28/2011 4:03 pm
Hi there,

i have a question about the issue of the cable that connects the guitar to the amplifier, if anybody can help..
I heard that depending on if such cable is good or not the sounds of the electric guitar can change a lot, is that true? I just got a fender stratocaster and a vox vt30 as amplifier, but my cable is a short and a very cheap one. Would you suggest me to buy a better one?
Please let me know and thanks for helping

Would you suggest me to get
# 1
Neal Walter
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Neal Walter
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02/01/2011 8:02 pm
Hi 3donkey,

I would say cable choice will not change your sound significantly.

For me, cable choice has never gotten in the way of tone. As long as it's not a cheap brand, like Hosa, you're OK.

I've used Whirlwind and Fender with no problems. There are some expensive cables out there like Mogami, Monster and George L but I don't think you'll notice a difference that has an effect on your playing or sound.

If I was recording an album in a high end studio, I would think more about using those cables. I've had two Monster cable and they both broke.

My advice is to go with an average, mid-grade cable with a decent reputation.
[FONT=Book Antiqua][FONT=Arial][FONT=Tahoma]Neal
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# 2
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02/28/2011 1:01 am
Cable length will affect tone quality, but I've never heard a difference between XYZ brand or ABC brand, unless there was a short in one of them.
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# 3
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02/28/2011 5:57 am
I have a cheap, no-name cable that I bought at Sam Ash probably 10 years ago that I have fixed probably 10 times, which now measures at 8-ish feet. I use it when I am sitting in front of the computer playing. I also have one of those pretty zzyxx cables with the fancy ends and 20 feet in length, and I don't hear any earth-shattering difference. Now if I was Eric Johnson, I could probably hear a difference, but I am not, so I don't.

Best advice, think about your situation. How are you going to be using the cable:
- Are you going to be playing in a live situation?
- Are you going to be recording?
- Are you going to be basically practicing in your room until the time comes to break out and go big?

Truthfully, the answer to all three of these questions is, "Get the best cable you can afford". The reasons for those questions is to tell you what length you should buy ;P
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02/28/2011 5:58 am
Oh and stay away from the "Mobster" cable (Monster Cable). Overpriced junk in my opinion. You can get way better quality in a 10 dollar cable than those pieces of crap.
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# 5
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03/17/2011 1:52 pm
Buy a good cable. If you go to a big box store you will find all types. Find a family or individually owned guitar shop and ask them for a good cable. Start by spending what your comfortable with but, I suggest a middle priced one. The main difference in cables is the capacitance it adds to the input of your amp. Hendrix used a long coil cord almost exclusively because he said it added what he needed to help get his tone. Add capacitance with the impedance of your type of pick-up and your tone changes. 25 ft. is the longest I'd go with on a cord. Good Luck.
# 6
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03/31/2011 12:53 am
Star Sound Cables are the best there is. All hand made right here in the USA!!! Actually in Sterling Heights, MI. I used to be an assembler there a few years back. Very high quality cable and connectors, fully customizable heat shrinked ends and many colors and wrappings available. Check em out at
If they are good enough for guys like Avenged Svenfold and Shinedown, they are good enough for me!

PS, no they didn't pay me to say this. I actually do think they are the best, bbut then again I used to make them!!!
# 7

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