I'll try to make this one more sturctured...(this maybe long)
1)"Why should we lift sanctions on Iraq?" Because iraqis are dying at a collosal rate thanks to these sanctions., which have come up with nothing (unless you want to consider lowered oil prices). Sudamm hasn't done anything to the US... When has he? he's done a lot to arab/ muslims, perticularly when he was suppourted by the US (yep, the people who paid him well, and armed him to the teeth to fight Iran). Sudam isn't capable of doing anything, they weapons checks have come up with nothing (other than one instance where giros for rockets were found.. which certainly suggests to me, that inforcing sanctions for 10 years has been a complete waste).. What evidence do you have that this goes to the military?
2)" it's because the people you're speaking in favor of are hellbent on destroying my people (i.e. Jews). I'm not going to accuse you of being a terrorist or supporting terrorism... you always talk about people getting one side of the story... have you ever gone to ">http://www.jpost.com?" I'm not speaking in their favour, to me they're as bad as the Us forign policies.. I'm glad you mentioned the Jeruslem post, because yes, I have... and some others... I'm also coloured, and i read some White supreamist papers, odd? No, i like to know what's being said on BOTH sides..
Oh yeah, I nearly forgot, Daniel was excuted because he was SUSPECTED! he wasn't given a trail, he wasn't arrested or read his rights... IT'S MURDER... Now, this exact same happens on Isreal... A palastinain SUSPECT is blown to kingdomcome, and maybe 6 or 7 other poeple with him, except in this case it's called "targeted killings"... Do you see the double standards? IT'S THIS THAT I'M AGAINST...
3) about the figueres, I usually go with amnesty international... and their figures usually are very close to al jazera's... Al jazera's word carries alot of clout because they are VERY fair... This is why they picked it out of all the arab stations (i mean there are other channels which would have done a good job spreading misinformation.. but why bother, Just tell poeple what's going on, and let them figure out for them selves)..
4) what's been done before doesn't make what's happening right, or acceptable something needs to be done..
5) about the palastinains : right, MORE innocent palstinains are being killed, right? (good recent example is when 6 isrealis were killed, 26 palastinains died the next night) So why is world sitting by an wathing? Because of the media... it's not muslim vs jew or whatever, it's rich wanting more, and poor trying to cling onto what little they have.. both use dirty tactics, but one is doing far more damage than the other.. secondly the palastinain economy/ education system is activly being destroyed by the isreali governemtn.. it's nothing to do with religion... it's about wanting land by force... religion is simply used as a tag. if arafat/ sharon and all these groups go the problem of the settlement on the west band (wich are illigal by international law) is not adressed, the question of a palastinain state/ or mixing the populations is still not adressed...
6)There are some great liberal groups in isreal (who i love more than the arab groups, simply because these poeple had the gall and intelligence to relize what they've been told is crap and do something about what's going on)... I mean the photo i saw, was of an "exhibition" of boxes symbolysing coffins... White coffins were isreali, black were palastinain, and what you see is a sea of black with some what sprinkles (this was done using actaul figures from 1999 i think, and the coffin were arranged in order of when they died).. I mean I would love to shake the hand of who ever came up with that... very powerful, very thought provocative, and more importantly very peaceful...
7) Why is arafat being made the bogieman? he's done well to control fata... and he can to some extent reason with the other groups when push comes to shove...
8)lalimacefollie : I'm glad some one thinks like i do... I'm a muslim (born in libya, now british)... and i dont understand this "my poeple" thing... I was born into where i am, I didn't achive anything in doing so, and I'm not the enemy of anyone simply because they're born somewhere else (no matter how the arguement is disguised)...
9)"i dont want to sound racist because im not one and as a jew i cant be one" eh? you can be rasicst what ever race you are... one of mest friends is jewish (well from his mother's side anyway)... his grandad is white jewish, and he hate's black poeple with a passion.. So he is rascist, doesn't matter that he's jewish...
10)"They hate the western world, - most of them if not all, and and they are trying to explain their hate by saying stupid things (like saying that america is handling a crusade against the muslim world). " i think you've been misinformed.. how many muslims do you mix with on a dialy basis? The US was very popular among the libyans back in the 60's and 70's...so what's changed.. Forign policies... and it's unrelenting drive for money. I've said this before, there are alot poeple who hate the US because of the forign policies... like 11 out of the 19 alledged hijackers are Saudi... THis is because the US suppourts the saudi regime for oil in return, and the Saudi regime has one of the worst human rights records... Do you see? I mean american programs dominated Libyan tv in 70's more than ever, and nobody really had something against the US then... year later, the US bombs libya (yes, another oil rich country), again saying they care for libyains (and then bombing a psychaitric hospital not too far from where i used to live, and simply saying "suspected terrorist blah blah" at the end of each comment about this... till they hit the french embassy..:)explain that one!
Libya also went through sanctions, becuase it was allegedly harbouring 2 "terrorists" (convicted in the eyes of the media with out a trail)... One of which has been cleared, the other convicted, but there are some unhealthy crack apearing in the firt trail. Like the fact witness came asking why their evidence was never used, only to find it had gone "missing", and was found again, perticulary the lock on the baggage storage area was cut off... which pretty much gives him a fighting chance being cleared... so was it worth making the libyan poeple suffer? ofcourse it was, they got cheap oil during the sanctions...)
11) final comment: I think murder is murder whatever sied it's on... what i dont like is this use emotive language and gresoume clips being used to tell one half of the story... We do have equal rights to information, but how many of us spend 2 to 3 hours reading news on-line? hmm?