
ok i have'nt really played guitar in like 2 weeks and when i started to play again i was play far beyond the sun by yngwie and i realized i could'nt play it like i used to what should i do? should i do exercises or something i would like some help on this before i hurt myself going to fast lol thanks
# 1

abilities vary...greatly.. hell so did Hendrix :)
Sometimes when i leave it a day or two, i can play better than i did when i was playing day in day out, sometime not.
If i can't play too well i'll go back to some simple chords or a boogie riff and warm up for half an hour. it seems to be mostly attitude or inclination, sometimes when you're not thinking about a song it flows perfectly then you start thinking " Wow, i aint so bad today" ...and then you ARE so bad today!.
If i totally suck i play my acoustic for a while then my electrics are comparatively easy to play afterwards.
Try not to be tooo hard on yourself and like you say, maybe warm up with some excercises/scales.
Sometimes when i leave it a day or two, i can play better than i did when i was playing day in day out, sometime not.
If i can't play too well i'll go back to some simple chords or a boogie riff and warm up for half an hour. it seems to be mostly attitude or inclination, sometimes when you're not thinking about a song it flows perfectly then you start thinking " Wow, i aint so bad today" ...and then you ARE so bad today!.
If i totally suck i play my acoustic for a while then my electrics are comparatively easy to play afterwards.
Try not to be tooo hard on yourself and like you say, maybe warm up with some excercises/scales.
Accuracy,you say? hmm interesting concept..
# 2
I also find to be better when I take a small break once in a while. I try not to go longer that 2 days.
I think it's essential to warm up. I do scales for no more than 10 minutes, because I get bored !
I like to jam along midi files. That way I can try new things and I seem to be a little better because I don't repeat the same thing twice. I only begin playing some songs after a good 15 minutes warm up. Try it you'll see the difference.
# 3

Hell man dont waste time worring about how well
you play other peoples stuff. You cant suck
if you play your own stuff ya know what im sayin.
you play other peoples stuff. You cant suck
if you play your own stuff ya know what im sayin.
Rock-n-Roll 4 Ever
:cool: Jack 7
:cool: Jack 7
# 4