Has anyone of you???

Has anyone of you guys played Mr.Crawly if you do..I want your there something i have to be there any trick in that solo..that will make my life easier..??i mean..can you tell me something that will help me to play that Randy???(Do i want much??):)
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PRACTICE slow, then play it faster and faster until you get it...
I do not recommend to my students to play solos note for note, unless you are paid to do an impression of the guitarist. Try to get the vibe, maybe the structure of the solo, then play it your way, you'll never play like Randy, even if you have twice more chops than him, and the same rig that he had. You'll just sound like yourself playing Randy's solo.
I do not recommend to my students to play solos note for note, unless you are paid to do an impression of the guitarist. Try to get the vibe, maybe the structure of the solo, then play it your way, you'll never play like Randy, even if you have twice more chops than him, and the same rig that he had. You'll just sound like yourself playing Randy's solo.
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