I have be3n playing for about a year and have had the same strings on since the start, now I seem to have to turn more often is it timeto change and how often should I change them considering I maybe get half hour a day. Practice?
# 1

I can't speak for everyone. I tend to change my strings when they need to be tuned more often. Regardless off how often you play/practice, they strings will eventually lose tension. Keeping the strings wiped down will add life to them...I mean wiping them keeping them clean.
# 2

wow ..I'm changing strings every 3-4 weeks !
and thats only because I have more than one guitar . I practice daily so that may have some effect as well
and thats only because I have more than one guitar . I practice daily so that may have some effect as well
# 3

Do you use Fast Fret or anything like that to clean strings ? I wounder if that would help any. I will keep strings on way past the point, they should be changed . I'm the only one that has to listen to my playing . I do know you can keep strings on so long that they will sound bad even if a cheap tuner says they are in tune . : )
# 4