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Mark Harboe
Registered User
Joined: 12/08/10
Posts: 12
Mark Harboe
Registered User
Joined: 12/08/10
Posts: 12
12/08/2010 9:13 pm

So I'm currently reading Robert Allen's book "Multiple Streams of Income", it's all about how to generate extra streams of income for yourself besides your day job. Meaning digging deep into your skill set and figuring out other ways to make money off your talent...

I'm a rap musician, so besides ghostwriting and teaching I can't really spot what else is there to do.
Ghostwriting aren't really considered "a good thing" for a rapper to have, so I'm thinking very few would want my help with their lyrics. And when it comes to teaching, there are SO many free alternatives out there that I can't compete with if I charge anything.

My mind is pretty empty of ideas at the moment, but maybe you could spark some or at least point me in a direction?

'preciate any help

Thank you for your time


Mark Harboe