but my little finger is deformed and if I try this it cant be done with the little finger
any tips
I hear you all and I join you. I have arthritis in my hands and in particular my left index finger is twisted and has spurs on it. I can't close the finger enough to play a cord.[br]I have searched everywhere for suggestions on how to get around this critical limitation. Other than having a positive attitude not gotten much else. I thought of ordering a Sager Parlor size guitar but can't see that as a way around the issue without some new method or technique.
Any suggestions are welcome.
How long have you been playing? If you haven't been playing long, it's not at all unusual to notice muscles that take time to develop. Careful, consistent and continued practice will get you there.
Three things:
If the nut is too high, low position barre chords will be much harder than they have to be. As a test, pop a capo on the first fret and play a low position barre chord. If it's a lot easier than without the capo, the nut is probably too high and there might be benefit from a setup. The nut adjustment is the easiest to screw up, Sarkari Result Pnr Status so it's best to have a pro deal with that.[br]Be sure your hand position is correct. Your guitar looks like a nylon string model, ie a classical. Have a look at the fundamentals of classical technique. It has been developed over a long period of time and works well. Your thumb looks like it might be a bit far from under you index finger, which pivots the hand, and reduces the effect of the muscles and tendons.[br]Use the least amount of strength required. Do not crush the strings. If you have to, either the guitar is incorrectly set up or your hand position is wrong.