Move On or Stay?

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09/02/2010 2:54 pm
Been at this for a little less than a month. Playing everday and making pretty good progress in my opinion. I am nearing the end of the Core Level One...still have a hard time with the F and B majors...making progress but really struggle moving there quickly, especially with the backing track.

Question, should I move on to Level 2 understanding I haven't perfected Level I? It may take awhile before I really "get" the F and B. If I move on I can learn some new things and make progress while still working on some parts of Level I. Or, is it important to really master the first level before I move on to Level 2? Willing to go real slow if that's the recommendation, but it could be a long time....
# 1
Guitar Tricks Instructor
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09/02/2010 3:27 pm
Originally Posted by: KeithMangasBeen at this for a little less than a month.[/quote]
Good deal! Keep practicing & be patient with yourself.
Originally Posted by: KeithMangas...still have a hard time with the F and B majors...making progress but really struggle moving there quickly, especially with the backing track.

Try simplified versions of the B & F chords for now. Read this thread concerning this issue, please:
[QUOTE=KeithMangas]Question, should I move on to Level 2 understanding I haven't perfected Level I?

The standard of every GF 1 & 2 course lesson is "go forward when you understand & can do this material".

If you can do most of it but still struggle with it, you are welcome to go forward, but make time in your practice schedule to go back and review everything until you can do it right! Make sense?

Let us know how it goes. Have fun! :)
Christopher Schlegel
Guitar Tricks Instructor

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# 2

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09/02/2010 5:14 pm
I think it's a matter of preference , I've been on Guitar fundamentals 1 for 4 months and have enjoyed my pace and progress .

As for me going to GF 2 I probably won't be jumping there anytime soon because I like to continue on perfecting the chords I do know and also the chord changes as well but again that's just me .
# 3
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09/04/2010 7:53 am
I moved onto to 2 before I had perfected everything in 1. Basically because I am an impatient person.However I regularly moved back onto 1 to practice the things I was not good at. When I went on holiday I came back rusty so actually started 1 all over again. It was amazing the little tips I picked up and was able to go through the course quite quickly which boosted my confidence.

I am now on 2 and have got the hang of most of it but still need to come back to some of it. But I have attempted some of the level 1 lessons in country, blues and rock and am finding that I can do them okay. But I will keep on going back to 2 and even 1 until I have perfected it.

The beauty of Guitar Tricks that you can choose. You can go at your own pace and in a way that suits you. There is always plenty of help in the forums if you are struggling with something.
# 4
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09/04/2010 8:00 am
The trick here is to make a note of the things you are not satisfied with and KEEP ON GOING BACK until you got it right, I`d say don't go too far forward without getting the basics right , because as you go forward there are other challenges too, so they start heaping up and soon you could be overwhelmed :)
# 5
Neal Walter
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Neal Walter
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09/28/2010 3:56 pm
Hey Keith,

Don't let B & F chords stop you, they're the hardest for most. It's a hurdle worth going over!
[FONT=Book Antiqua][FONT=Arial][FONT=Tahoma]Neal
GT Channel Host[/FONT]
# 6
Otto Ray Sing
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Otto Ray Sing
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10/04/2010 5:45 am
I like to check ahead, just to get an idea of what direction the course is heading. This way I'm able to see what the instructor wants me to achieve. I would rather wait to actually move on until I'm doing well at the lesson that I'm actually working on.
We grow too soon old, and too late smart.
# 7

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