Studying Music Theory

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08/02/2010 2:44 am

I am learning music theory thru the guitar tricks lessons + picking my brilliant bass player dh's brain. I like how organized everything is on the site. So helpful!

Any suggestions on learning all this, I know, duh... Index cards? I really want to get it in my brain.

Is there some just basic memorization. Do all the parts start to fit together as you memorize the information and then practice, practice, practice?

Btw: I have been playing guitar for 18 yrs. Playing from lead sheets mostly. I also write music. I am hoping to add the theory in and become proficient. Fill in a lot of holes in my skills.

Thx for chatting,
# 1
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08/02/2010 5:28 am
The thing with flashcards or other "brute memorization" techniques is that it only lasts if you use the knowledge regularly. You can train yourself to list off all the sharps and flats in each key. But, if you don't use the knowledge your going to loose it as fast as you learned it. Try to focus in on things that you know will regularly use in your playing.
# 2
Guitar Tricks Instructor
Joined: 08/09/05
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Guitar Tricks Instructor
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08/02/2010 2:15 pm
Hey & welcome!
Originally Posted by: shan333I am learning music theory thru the guitar tricks lessons ...

I suggest starting with GF 2 which provides the absolutely basic intro to music theory via:

1. Intervals
2. Scales (major & minor diatonic)
3. Chords (major & minor triads)

In GF 2 you can learn how intervals are used to build scales, chords & ultimately how scales & chords are related to each other.

After that you can continue with one of the style courses which deal with the theory & practice of rock, blues or country.

For more detailed info & concepts, just ask! For example:

Tutorials on Improvisation

Intro To Music Theory

Intro To Circle Of Fifths

Intro To Modes

Practicing Modes

Chord Triads & Inversions

Practicing Triads & Inversions

All this stuff does work together. It is ultimately all integrated. But only after much thinking & practicing. Exactly as you point out. :)

Let us know how it goes or if you have more questions. Best of success & have fun!
Christopher Schlegel
Guitar Tricks Instructor

Christopher Schlegel Lesson Directory
# 3

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