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Joined: 10/30/09
Posts: 13
Registered User
Joined: 10/30/09
Posts: 13
07/15/2010 9:08 am
I got my own thread - about time some might say..

Originally Posted by: RazboYou should open up your private messages so we could carry this on in private. It's not fair to the other members to continue this in public.

You also have the ability to add me to an Ignore List. Just click on my name and check it out. I'd be sad, though, 'cause I added you to my Buddy List. IN fact, you are the only one in it. We should start a clique!! ;)

OMG! is this an attempt to come out looking like the good guy when I fail to become your real buddy or choose to 'ignore' you?!

The beginning part of this thread made my day -

but at least the initial replies were honest enough :-) But then it turned into an extravaganza of goodies. Post #12 of the thread is incredible - My goodness, the chap in post #11 had the temerity to suggest all was not well in GT land in the first paragraph and look at the drubbing he got. Good reply in post #14 though - right on!

This is an interesting one -

This post got virtually no reply

and yet this one got four replies

Why is that? The 1st one from Sweep in Sleep was a great post - it's nice to see a young gun coming through. Maybe he was a little critical at times but it was in a nice way I thought. The 2nd was from a more established member, also a nice guy. Not sure why there was such a difference in response i.e cold shoulder/warm welcome. Interesting that!

The forum should be open and doesn't need a self appointed "establishment" or, dare I say it, Fanboys who dominate the content - even if they are 'top-notch players'.