Hello everyone. I appreciate the opportunity to put a link on your forums. I recently started a new guitar tab website called CleanTab.com and I am hoping to get some input and advice. My idea is to have great looking, easy to read tablature. If anyone wouldn't mind checking out the site and letting me know if you have any styling or design ideas for the guitar tabs themselves.
I really appreciate the help! The site link is:
New guitar tab website

# 1

Hello all! Thanks again for sending some users my way. I really appreciate the help. I made a quick video showing off some of our top features at CleanTab. Please watch:
Video - About CleanTab Guitar Tabs
Video - About CleanTab Guitar Tabs
# 2

Originally Posted by: cheebahawk215Hello all! Thanks again for sending some users my way. I really appreciate the help. I made a quick video showing off some of our top features at CleanTab. Please watch:
Video - About CleanTab Guitar Tabs
when i clicked to go to your link, i wound up on a page having nothing to do with your site. it said there was a URL error. try again! i'd sure like to see the video!
thanks, lynndy
# 3

Eeks, no good. Thank you for telling me! I fixed the link so it should be working now.
Also, I added a new feature to the site this weekend. If you have a blog or a webpage you can now post guitar tabs just like youtube videos on your page! Hope everyone enjoys!
Also, I added a new feature to the site this weekend. If you have a blog or a webpage you can now post guitar tabs just like youtube videos on your page! Hope everyone enjoys!
# 4

# 5

Wow. Incredible collection. thanks!
The only suggestion that I have, and it might be so impossible to do it now that it's moot is...to sort the "the" bands by the main name, the and not under "The...".
For instance, I went looking for "The Who". At first, I went to look under "wh" section, and after not finding them, realized they must be sorted under "THE Who". But then when I went to the TH area, I found there were 58 pages to go through and I had to guess where in those 58 pages they were. And, I still didn't find them....It would be a lot easier to find if they were listed as "Who, the" instead of "the who"
Does that make sense?
The only suggestion that I have, and it might be so impossible to do it now that it's moot is...to sort the "the" bands by the main name, the and not under "The...".
For instance, I went looking for "The Who". At first, I went to look under "wh" section, and after not finding them, realized they must be sorted under "THE Who". But then when I went to the TH area, I found there were 58 pages to go through and I had to guess where in those 58 pages they were. And, I still didn't find them....It would be a lot easier to find if they were listed as "Who, the" instead of "the who"
Does that make sense?
Quickly advancing from inept to semi-ept
# 6

@Rockwontdie - No prob,Rush Tabs
@samata - Good suggestions, this weekend I actually rolled out a new update to the site. The layout makes it way easier to find the song/artist you are looking for.
I hope everyone gets a chance to check out this update. I put a post on our blog detailing all of the updates:
@samata - Good suggestions, this weekend I actually rolled out a new update to the site. The layout makes it way easier to find the song/artist you are looking for.
I hope everyone gets a chance to check out this update. I put a post on our blog detailing all of the updates:
Today, I rolled out a virtually brand new version of CleanTab. There are changes that effect every part of the site and there are some new parts all together...
Guitar Tabs in HTML5 - CleanTab Launches Version 2
# 7

All I can say is AMAZING. nice work, keep it up.
If you could darken the lyrics just a bit, and add some praise and worship songs to me it would be absolutely perfect.
If you could darken the lyrics just a bit, and add some praise and worship songs to me it would be absolutely perfect.
# 8

Originally Posted by: kjproAll I can say is AMAZING. nice work, keep it up.
If you could darken the lyrics just a bit, and add some praise and worship songs to me it would be absolutely perfect.
Hi Kjpro, thanks for the compliment! So, I did a lot of debating on the font color and I really believe that this one is the easiest to read. Black on white is really grating on the eyes in my opinion. But, I will definitely keep your comment in mind.
As for praise and worship tabs, I can help imediately! Try out Worship Guitar Tabs & Praise Guitar Tabs
# 9

My pleasure. keep up the good work. Would you happen to have the solo part for this song? It's my favorite and want to learn the solo.
Oh, thanks for the links.
Oh, thanks for the links.
# 10

Cheebahawk, looks like a really great website.
Thanks for all the effort you put in to this.
I'm trying to spread the word through facebook and twitter ;)
EDIT: Oh, another tip, a friend of mine almost instantly returned to ulitmate-guitar because there were no guitar pro tabs, maybe you should include these too? (I think he won't be alone in that...)
Thanks for all the effort you put in to this.
I'm trying to spread the word through facebook and twitter ;)
EDIT: Oh, another tip, a friend of mine almost instantly returned to ulitmate-guitar because there were no guitar pro tabs, maybe you should include these too? (I think he won't be alone in that...)
# 11
I am just learning and have been playing gutar for a bout a year, I am at that stage where I need to start playing songs and songs I know with all the sites out ther this one is easy to use and gets me where I want, I need the motivation, Thank you. Also if you post the key the song was origanally recorded ( or made popular) in this would be good. And more blues. Anyway keep on keepin' on.
# 12

Tab does not teach a person about the guitar.or how to advance your playing
It has nothing to do with musical notes on the neck.
please do not confuse reading TAB,,,, with learning the instrument.
It has nothing to do with musical notes on the neck.
please do not confuse reading TAB,,,, with learning the instrument.
# 13
Well Stymie that must be why there are so many websites for tab. Sorry to sound sarcastic but dude it sure does help, for a guy that doesn't read notes it helps.
# 14
One thing you could add to tab listings is skill level, new players need to get tabs of songs they are able to play and the motivation really helps
# 15

cleantab.com really looks awesome and html5 is great idea, keep it up!
# 16

Thanks so much for the feedback and compliments! You guys might like to know, I recently launched a mobile version of the site! If you check out CleanTab.com on your mobile device you will see a really nice, touch optimized, version of the site! Have a look.
@froggy62 Have you seen the option to show only easy songs? Check this link out
Easy Guitar Tabs
On any page with a list you should be able to hit the "Easy" button and it will remove all the more advanced tablatures.
Thanks again for the feedback. Rock on!
@froggy62 Have you seen the option to show only easy songs? Check this link out
Easy Guitar Tabs
On any page with a list you should be able to hit the "Easy" button and it will remove all the more advanced tablatures.
Thanks again for the feedback. Rock on!
# 17