Washburn WI66PRO experience?

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06/06/2010 4:12 am
Well, I've almost caved to my GAS, having found out that the Washburn company has been sold and they may be changing alot of their models. The idol series in particular seems like it's going to be turned into a full on Les Paul clone. I've been looking at the Idols for quite some time, and if it's a decent guitar I'm going to get one while they are still availible, but have only met one person who has played one. He said they were fantastic, and he would have bought it if it had a Floyd Rose.

I trust his input over most, but since he only tested it out once or twice, I was hoping someone here might have one and be able to give some input. Does it hold tune well? is the VCC system useful or more of a gimmick?

Any input is greatly appreciated.
# 1
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06/06/2010 6:54 pm
Actually, scratch that. Already ordered one :D
# 2
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06/06/2010 9:56 pm
Well good...it looks like a cool guitar and has the Buzz Feiten tuning/intonation system so I think it should be a great playing guitar. Let us know when ya get it what you think.
# 3
Mick J
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Mick J
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06/14/2010 2:48 pm
I've just ordered the X50 Pro. £534 at Amazon but a snip at £349 from DV247.com

Much the same spec as the WI66 but more of a Strat shaped body.

At that price I also managed to include a Vox Valvetronix combo amp all for less than the 500 quid they've just given me at work in reward for long service.

Happy bunny today, and still 2 quid left to spend on a beer!
# 4

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