Guitar Progress Video - Month 6

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04/24/2010 2:55 am
See my last video post here: Guitar Progress Video - Month 5

Well, I've been playing for a little over 6 months now. Finding time to practice is a struggle, but I've been persevering. Here's the video:

Guitar Progress - 6 Months

If you ask me, my strumming in the beginning isn't all that great. I think I've regressed a bit there. I've also really gotta get to the point where my fretting fingers land at the right location. I notice, especially on my C chord, that my fingers slide into place after landing.

If you stick around long enough, you'll be treated to (or horrified by, depending on your perspective) the song that my 9 year old son and I have been working on for the past few weeks. It started with a simple power chord riff that I came up with on the spot months ago and we built off of that. I know it's not a masterpiece, but I think it's catchy and fun to listen to. It is very satisfying to write a song. I definitely think I'll keep writing songs!

Anyway, I'll probably do a separate video for the song, to keep them segregated from the guitar progress videos. My son sang the song, and I got a lot of footage of him doing so, so I'll try to get some of that in it.

Thanks for watching! Constructive criticism welcome.

BTW, I've created a blog. Not much on it yet, but if you're interested, check it out: Guitar Progress Blog
# 1
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04/24/2010 9:53 am
Looks like great progress to me...
But the finger exercise is a bit much..
I'll be waiting for you and your son to be playing CLUB 64
# 2
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04/24/2010 12:13 pm
You're doing great man. What kind of practice schedule do you adhere to? I've been at it for almost 6 months and I can't hold a candle to that. Keep up the good work.
Ken Sturgeon
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# 3
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04/24/2010 12:20 pm
I actually just started doing the finger exercise again (sorry for keeping so much of it in the video). I'm having difficulty with a part of Layla and my guitar instructor recommended I do them to get my left and right hand timing a bit better.

As for practice, basically I pick it up when I can. I work from home, so some days I can take 20 minutes here and 20 minutes there. I put time in most days, at least 20 minutes, but occasionally I'll miss a day or two if I'm extremely busy. It's rare when I get more than 30-40 minutes in a day. I basically just pick and choose what I practice. Some days I'll practice strumming, some days power chords, some days scales and lead. I try to do a little bit of each every time I practice though.

I'll tell you what though, having a live instructor and being able to see what I'm doing on these videos is a huge help. I would recommend that everyone of every skill level record themselves so they can review their technique. I'll bet there are things you'll notice that you don't notice when you play.
# 4
Guitar Tricks Instructor
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04/25/2010 9:20 pm
That's awesome - I love the idea of a video progress blog. Bravo, and keep up the good work!
Lisa McCormick, GT Instructor
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