I have recently had discussions with a couple people on pick method, and even read an article about Megadeth's guitar player (forget his name; I will add it later) where he talked about using different pick positions, and there was even a recent post somewhere alluding to the same topic, I think.
Basically it is thus: I normally hold the pick as described: an extension of my index finger, held between pads of thumb & index. But what I've recently been dabbling with is holding the pick with the side of the index finger. Basically just curl your index finger further until the first knuckle area and thumb are on the same plane with the pick held between.
While awkward feeling (so far) it immediately gave me much better control for what I will call "speed picking". The thumb helps control pick depth, and I can even mute with it. (Thumb muting?) I can pick faster and with more control. My left hand was winning, but mow my right hand has taken the lead!
I'm getting some random harmonics because I am not used to it yet, and even sort of skinning my knuckles a bit :D, but it's working for me and I think I'll keep practicing with this position as part of my routine.
Anybody else using or trying this approach? Is it just a crutch I should avoid getting sucked into using?
...so ever since then, I always hang on to the buckle.