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electric circus
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Joined: 02/23/10
Posts: 87
electric circus
Registered User
Joined: 02/23/10
Posts: 87
02/23/2010 5:20 am
hey folks i have a question, and would like some opinions.
i just got back to playing after 14 yrs of not playing.
the old pedal board still fires up and runs like it did
some yrs ago. i just added a boss 20 looper last night to help me get back in shape and get my chop library restocked.
ok heres the deal, the old boss heavy metal isnt
up to snuff any more. shes seen better days.
all staticy when ya turn the knobs, cable input noise,
you know the deal. it might be time to add myself a new distortion
pedal to the board. im pretty much a boss fan and thats probably what i'll buy. i like the sounds of old VH, brad gylis when he was with ozzy,
steve vai, just good punchy, high gain tone. i do like a boogie lead sound too.
what pedal would you guys suggest? the guitar will be a jackson or one of my
homemade jobs.

ok next question, what pedal would you guys suggest for my strat with single coils? looking for a good southern rock/bluesy sound.
is there a boss pedal that will fit both of my needs?
these pedals will be running through any number of old peavy, fender, crate, or carvin amps.
another 80s metal fan.