given your music preferences there are a few suggestions id make:
ibanez 7 string or other strat copy (go with humbuckers)
jackson makes a very some very nice metal axes with floyd rose copies on them (after you buy you can change it out for a real floyd rose)
if you want something more traditional you might consider an epiphone les paul or sg. a new set of pickups can boost the tone of them with only another 200 or 300 on a 500 buy. they also have a few models with active pickups in them. the biggest advantage in going this way is a set neck is almost a standard option.
schlector makes makes a few that are pretty good so does esp and LTD.
the best advice i can give is to head over to your local shop (guitar center if one is near by) and try every guitar you can get your hands on. if you can find an amp like yours its even better because you can figure out how itll sound at home.
a fender strat is still a pretty good axe for metal you can also try a new fx pedal or a compressor/sustainer, or a pickup job on your fender. convering it to a fat strat or adding some ducan hot rails can change the over all tone of your current axe. before you buy anything do your reserch on it and if you can try it out.
They say the END is near, but I'm Tired of waiting.