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Douglas Showalter
Guitar Tricks Instructor
Joined: 09/15/08
Posts: 817
Douglas Showalter
Guitar Tricks Instructor
Joined: 09/15/08
Posts: 817
01/29/2010 6:37 pm
Originally Posted by: jamesplaysgitarwhat exactly is directional picking and economy picking?

In my guitar playing life, I have seen so many different methods of explaining picking and the variations within it. I honestly feel the best way to approach it is to work at what best suites the music you are playing. Economy picking to my understanding is simply alternate picking, picking up-down-up-down etc. If you do any type of sweeping or anything where you aren't picking in that manner, that is directional picking; picking in a certain direction (i.e. sweeping arpeggios, etc.)

I honestly though would not get too caught up in all this lingo as what matters is how you suite the music, and what is best to achieve the sound you are going for. If you are really into metal and want to play guitar in that way, than developing different methods of picking is very key as to play that stuff, that is what is required of you. If you want to play country, you would use hybrid picking (pick and fingers), among other things. If you love acoustic guitar, strumming and having a more percussive attack would suite you well. All of these different styles have different needs, and I think it is important for every guitarist to have some understanding of all these things.

For me, I have learned things along the way based on the application. I am a music fan first, and I have learned along the journey the techniques necessary to play the music I love. This has changed many, many times; but ultimately I learned these things because they suited the music.

Hopefully this answers your question in some way.
Douglas Showalter