View post (I'm in the market for a small tube amp soon!)

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Joined: 09/18/09
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Registered User
Joined: 09/18/09
Posts: 35
11/06/2009 3:51 am
Right now, I have a Laney AOR 50 watt combo, 1965 Twin Reverb, Line 6 Flextone XL, and Roland Jazz Chorus. These are great for playing gigs, but bad in the house.

These amps have to be cranked loud to "Get That Tube Sound". I want something small that I can crank in my bedroom, but has really good tone.

I don't want to buy Power Attenuators for all of my amps. Everyone that has one tells me they are give and take. Guitar amp speakers have to be pushed hard, so they start moving air, as well as the power section to get a great tube sound.

What is a good low wattage, tube amp, with reverb for home or studio use these days? I don't want onboard effects, just reverb. I have an effects pedal board. I called Fender and Laney Tech support. I pulled the two center or two end power tubes, but this didn't reduce the volume much at all, and they told me not to run the amps like that for long, because they were not designed that way. I don't want to screw my old amps

Got any ideas? ( Great sounding, tube amp, bedroom volume level )

Here are some examples of the kind of music that I write and play!

I wrote/composed these songs and recorded them in my bedroom studio. I played all of the instruments, so the rhythm section isn't the greatest!